Agil Asadi

Senior Software Engineer

I'm 28, a Senior Back-end Developer from Azerbaijan. I live in The Netherlands, Utrecht. As a Senior Developer, I work on the Payment System & User Operations of a SAAS product.


Jun '23 — Present

More information to be added.

Creative Fabrica
Nov '22 — May '23

Creative Fabrica is a marketplace for digital products, I worked on rewriting the payment system of the platform into a new service. (PHP)

Aug '22 — Nov

More information to be added.

Dec '19 — Aug '22

I’m working on the Newsletter SAAS product, our product delivers millions of emails every day. At Insider, I had the chance to practice my Vue.js and Golang knowledge as well as improve my soft skills. I have been working with a dedicated product team. Currently, I’m wearing many hats.

Outside of being a full-time Software Engineer, I’m also:
  • Scrum Master
  • Unit-test Trainer
  • Code Owner of almost all PHP projects
The main tech stack I've been involved with are PHP, Laravel, GoLang, AWS, Vue.js, Kubernetes. I've been concerned of:
  • Developing New Services
  • Making Technical Designs
  • Improving performance of existing services
Jan '19 — Nov

I have been working on an ECMS project, I mainly took part in developing the APIs there were consumed by all the other sub-services. I have been responsible for building the Database, oAuth 2 Authentication system, and documenting the APIs. Our backend tech stack consisted of Laravel, Lumen, Mysql, Redis, and Swagger. This is where I practiced developing better architecture and developing Cleaner Code where multiple developers could work on the same project simultaneously without facing too many conflicts. It was also important to use well-known Design Patterns to make other developers easily understand one another's code.

May '17 — Sept

I worked as a Full-stack developer and contributed to the development of multiple e-commerce websites. I took part both in frontend and backend development using PHP, jQuery, and Bootstrap.

Tech Stack

PHP, GoLang, Laravel, AWS, GraphQL, Redis, JavaScript, Vue.js.


Microservices, Message Brokers.


  • Tech Design
  • Event-Driven Architecture
  • Developing with SOLID principles

I Speak

  • C1 English
  • C2 Turkish
  • C2 Azerbaijani
  • B2 Old Persian